Update about the state of the ChabDog Pool (on the cusp of the 16 Candles round):
–Aaron’s glory has proven to be a wee bit fleeting, as he must now share top honors with 2 others, including Well-read and HOV (High Occuplancy?). High falutent Harrison (hot air) Montague is in third, 10 points back.
— Meanwhilte ChabDog lurks at just 30 points back, tied with the master of the six pack, Blixx
— Abe is in 7th, mortally wounded as Iowa State bit the proverbial big one.
— Behind him, hope abounds as everyone else’s winner remains alive.
Everyone in this pool has done a great job (even you Abe!) and deserve a Pat Kinght (or is it a Pat Summit?) on the back for a job well-done.