Day 1 cliffnotes from the ChabDog Group ESPN Bracket Racket (now this is what I call adulterated bracketeering):

Day 1 cliffnotes from the ChabDog Group ESPN Bracket Racket (now this is what I call adulterated bracketeering):

— Jenna goes 14 up 2 down, while ChabDog keeps pace with the same, but takes a bigger hit when Kentucky chokes against Oakland… say what?
— Meanwile IG JackCart looks pretty smart at 89%, followed by a slew of 70 percenters, including Well-read and Yolk (who persists in picking Perdone)
— Abe and Blixx take a day 1 dive at 45, along with someone not quite coming up smelling like a rose
— And it’s Dunker in the bunker, pulling up the rear with Queen Momsie and EFS Grand Slam….