On this week’s “Sixteen Candles or Sixteen IEDs: Week 16 NFL Preview Show” …

find out whether we blow out the competition or blow ourselves up in the chaotic uncertainty that is addressing and assessing the pro football spreads….

Can the Ravens surprise on the upside against the favored Forty Niners?  Will the real Lions come out to play? Can the Bills continue to stomp on the graves of the dead men not charging Chargers? Why the Falcons should have nothing to worry about, since I’m picking against them.  And of course, the prospects that last week’s weak Cowboys have against the homestanding Dolphins blessed with Tyreek.

And as for our intramural competitions, Well-read tries in vain to inch ahead, in a titanic struggle with Dorothy D, while A-ron, Abe and a chagrined ChabDog vie for the prized scraps in the second cluster.